We all rely on the energy that our bodies can produce. We need it to move, to think, to breathe and for every function in between. Even when we are so heavily reliant on our naturally created energy, few of us know where it actually comes from, or what we can do to get more of it. In today’s day and age, we reach for another cup of coffee or an energy drink hoping for a quick pick-me-up, only to crash back down when the effects wear off. If you happen to throw in a little exercise, you may even get that “I FEEL GREAT” rush after cooling down. There is a reason you feel that good, and that reason is that your mitochondria are doing what they do best. And there are TRILLIONS of them throughout the body. 

Our mitochondria are the organelles in our body that are responsible for breaking down nutrients and turning them into energy. Think of them as the “Powerhouse” of the cells. These tiny little engines are what power us throughout the day, and like any other engine, they can age and start to fail on us if we don’t take care of them. So what’s the key to more energy, more focus and an overall lift in our ability to perform? Taking care of our mitochondria!

A Daily Battle Against the Elements

There are a whole host of attackers in our daily lives that can cause stress and damage to our bodies, and more specifically, our cells. Toxins in the air we breathe, toxins in the foods we eat and a list of free radicals that are too overwhelming to try and get our heads around. When these harmful actors get into our bodies, our cells can deteriorate over time, and this is where the trouble begins. One of the most obvious effects of the cells starting to fail and die off is aging, and it makes perfect sense. When cells can no longer produce the energy for our bodies to function, we’re less active. Our skin starts to sag, we lose muscle mass, our memories start to get foggy. We even feel sluggish, and it’s all because our cells don’t have what they need to stay healthy and function properly.

Even more dangerous is what can happen when too many of the mitochondria in our cells are damaged. Stroke, heart disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, blindness and dozens of other ailments can be directly linked to mitochondrial function. Pretty scary, right? Mitochondria require two main elements to produce energy, which are oxygen and nutrients. So what are we supposed to do when the air we breathe and the food we eat contain the very toxic materials we are trying to avoid, and will very likely cause harm to our cells? The good news is that our bodies are REALLY effective at getting rid of those toxic materials and producing the energy we need. Those cellular engines of yours might just need an oil change.

Give More, Get More

If the mitochondria in our cells need oxygen and nutrients to convert into energy, then that’s what we need to give them! Diet and exercise are a great start to healthy cells and improved cellular function, but there are more specific things we can do to boost our overall well being. For instance, not just dieting, but adding foods like fish which contain fatty acids like omega-3s. Increasing your greens like spinach and broccoli which contain a TON of antioxidants called flavonoids and carotenoids, along with magnesium, which is a key mineral the mitochondria need to produce energy. Even adding some blueberries into your diet can help fight and remove free radicals from the system. When thinking about exercise, you can add a little bit of cardio into your routine to bring more oxygen into the system, and when we use our muscles regularly, our bodies will actually create MORE mitochondria, giving us that energy boost we’ve been looking for!

There’s a secret weapon you can use on your journey to healthier cells and more energy, and that is fulvic acid. This widely available organic compound is amazing at fighting inflammation and helping the body to get rid of toxins both inside and outside of the body. It can help boost the immune system, fight pathogens, improve gut health and increase energy. Fulvics, when in their proper form, provide the catalyst that allows vitamins to be utilized and are essential for 96% of all metabolic functions of the human body. Without a Fulvic molecule, active carbon and high molecular oxygen, vitamins and minerals are of little value.

So There It Is

If you’re looking for more energy and you don’t want to keep turning to coffee or Red Bull, start giving your cells the fuel they need to function at their best. With just a few adjustments to your diet, adding a bit of exercise to your day, and boosting the whole process with a few drops of fulvic acid, you’ll put the coffee down and zip throughout your day